understand the service of children's art institution and find pain points.
persona / service blueprint / system map / interface design / product
UX designer
Service design for children's art institutions can improve children's performance, help parents understand children's artwork, and be beneficial for promotion.
Problem Statement and Introduction
In recent years, the global art education market has shown an exponential growth. In 2019, the size of the children's art education market exceeded 100 billion, especially for 2-16 years old. Art education institutions have strong potential in the future.
The number of children's art education institutions is increasing, but they have many problems. I conducted interviews at a children's arts organization. I found that the efficiency of art lessons is low, and many students need guidance from the teacher when practicing. Therefore, I designed a set of toys to help students draw; Parents do not understand their children's paintings and cannot know their children's performance in time, so I designed an app for children and parents that can help them understand their children's art and performance on iPad and give them a mobile app for teachers to write comments; The interactive screen and interactive projection are designed for promotion.